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Vermont Forest Bird Stewardship 101

Regular price $22.00


Join us for a presentation focused on Vermont’s forest birds and the basic concepts that any landowner can apply on their property to become more familiar with the bird community and big and small ways to help our feathered friends out as stewards of our own spaces. This program will provide an overview of conservation concerns for our forest birds, strategies that property owners can apply to attract and maintain birds to their property throughout the year, both in the yard and in the woods – as well as cover resources available with which to begin learning more about birds and how to protect the places they need today and tomorrow.

This program is offered in collaboration with Audubon Vermont and Merck Forest & Farmland Center.

Tim Duclos is a native Vermonter with a Bachelor of Science from the University of Vermont and Master of Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His passion for conservation extends back to his teenage years spent at the Green Mountain Conservation Camps. In times since, he has worked with birds in almost every role he has held in his career. Tim is the Forest Program Ecologist with Audubon Vermont and Audubon lead of the Woods, Wildlife and Warblers program. He resides in Dorset, Vermont. 

The talk will take place on Tuesday, March 19 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at the Manchester Community Library, and also online via live stream.


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